B.Sc.(Hons) A.B.M.
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Agri. Business Management
This is a four year full time Agri-Business Management Degree Programme affiliated to Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapceth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar. (M.S.) This Programme prepares students for managerial and entrepreneurial careers in enterprises serving or dependent on agriculture and allied sectors.
The B.Sc.(Hons) A.B.M. programme will be a full-time four years ( 8 Semesters) Bachelor of Business Administration in Agriculture.
1) To impart education and training to the students for taking up the responsibilities for managing Agro-industry.
2) To acquire sufficient operating skill in using modern management tools and techniques in different functional areas of Agribusiness.
3) To develop adequate conceptual base in different areas of Agribusiness.
4) To encourage entrepreneurial spirit in students; to make them effective in the Agri-enterprise sector.
5) To organize seminars/discussions at the state level concern to Agril. Marketing and Agri. Business Management.
Intake capacity for B.Sc.(Hons) A.B.M. Degree programme is 120 students
160 compulsory
Results in 10 point scale
Theory and Practical Examination is conducted by MAUEB, Pune.
The medium of instruction is only in English. The course material is also in English.